4 About us and our affiliations

Lancaster Serene Reflection Meditation Group (formerly Lancaster Zen Group) started in 1980. Our group has strong links with Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey (www.throssel.org.uk), a large Zen Buddhist monastery and retreat centre in Northumberland.

Male and female members of the monastic community from Throssel regularly visit the group and also lead local Saturday day retreats in Lancaster. Rev Wilfrid Powell is our regular group monk. Group members regularly visit the Abbey (about 80 miles from Lancaster, near Allendale) for meditation, retreats and festival days, and can sometimes offer lifts.

The Group is affiliated to The Order of Buddhist Contemplatives lineage of Zen (www.obcon.org). The Order is dedicated to the practice of the Serene Reflection Meditation (Soto Zen) tradition, known as Ts’ao-Tung Ch’an in China. It was established by Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett to serve as the international umbrella organization for the monasteries, priories (local temples) and meditation groups of our Zen lineage in Britain, Canada, Germany, Latvia, the Netherlands, and the United States.

Short videos of monks from Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey, and lay practitioners, describing and demonstrating our practice and how it can be applied in daily life, can be seen on www.throssel.org.uk\videos

For further information about Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey, see www.throssel.org.uk. Also you can subscribe to the Abbey’s newsletter on https://throssel.org.uk/email-newsletter/.  Its email address is gd@throssel.org.uk.

To find out more about our style of meditation, what we do at group meetings, and the group’s affiliations, see ‘Pages’ at the bottom of this page and each page – click on any that interest you.